The Word Among Us

September 2014 Issue

Friendship Tried and True

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Publisher's Letter

Love Matters

When I think about friendship, I often think of three key passages from Scripture. The first, from the Old Testament, describes the friendship between David and Jonathan (1 Samuel 18:1). It talks about how much they loved each other—to the point of making a covenant together. The second comes from 1 Peter, where the apostle tells us that “love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8). And the third comes from Jesus himself, when he tells his apostles, “I no longer call you slaves. . . . I have called you friends” (John 15:15). This last one tells me that I have the opportunity of friendship with the Creator, Savior, and Lord of the universe. It never ceases to amaze me that Jesus wants to be my friend—a sinner like me, who can be so unfaithful to him! More »


A Treasure beyond Compare

Men walking on level ground do not have to lend one another a hand, while those who are on a rugged, slippery road hold on to one anther in order to walk more safely. (St. Francis de Sales, An Introduction to the Devout Life, 3.19) More »

Friendship Tried and True

Adam and Dave were great friends. For years they had worked for the same company. Adam was the head of the accounting department, and Dave worked as a manager in marketing. Both men were practicing Catholics, and they both served in their respective parishes. They also made it a point to pray together at the office as often as they could. More »

A Life-Saving Medicine

Christians in every age have written much on the blessings and challenges of friendships based on the love of Christ. More »

Special Feature

Our Lady Undoer of Knots

When Pope Francis was introduced to the world, tidbits about his life and preferences began to emerge: little things, such as how he enjoyed the South American beverage mate and how he was a lifelong fan of the Saints of San Lorenzo soccer team. One article about his likes made reference to a favored devotion of his—Our Lady Undoer of Knots. The moment I read that, my internal ears perked up. More »

It’s Never Too Late

“Do old things,” God whispered to me, as I asked him what I ought to do with all the time I now found on my hands. Shattering my ankle in six places had definitely not been on the agenda for my life. The accident had forced me to be off my feet for six months, and I had little to keep me occupied. More »

Watering the Seeds of Faith

Ten years ago my son, Tim, was in the U.S. military, serving in Iraq. Like any parent, I was concerned—not just about his physical safety, but also his spiritual well-being. We would e-mail back and forth, and our exchange often went something like this: More »