The Word Among Us

January 2025 Issue

Hope Does Not Disappoint

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Hope Does Not Disappoint: Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Every now and then, when I’m thinking about a difficult situation, my wife, Jeannie, will catch me talking about it out loud: “I hope this meeting goes well.” “I hope their marriage holds together.” “I hope that our political leaders can make decisions that please the Lord.”

Jeannie has told me that when this happens, she can hear a note of despair in my voice. I can sound kind of “hopeless” even though I’m talking about my hopes! And that’s when I realize that my way of hoping is different from the hope that the Scriptures talk about!

Hope Never Fails. So what does hope mean in Scripture? St. Paul gives some insights. This fearless apostle encountered times of terrible suffering as he sought to build the Church. He was scourged and stoned and beaten with rods. He was shipwrecked more than once. And he was constantly being misunderstood and spoken against. And yet, despite all these hardships, he could write, “Affliction produces endurance, and endurance, proven character, and proven character, hope, and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit” (Romans 5:3-5, emphasis added).

Paul knew that the hope that comes from God would never fail him. Why? Because that hope is based on the faithfulness and trustworthiness of Jesus Christ, and that hope can never fail or disappoint!

A Jubilee of Hope. This is why Pope Francis has chosen Pilgrims of Hope as the theme for this Jubilee Year. As pilgrims, we are on a journey to our heavenly home, and that hope of heaven can sustain us on our way. But there’s more to hope than a far-off future. Jesus’ promise, “I am with you always,” can fill us with hope for every day of our lives (Matthew 28:20). Jesus has promised not only to welcome us at the end of our journey, but also to walk with us every step of the way. No matter how difficult the road is, we can trust that he is with us, offering us his grace and his strength. We can place our hope in the One who has already blessed us with “every spiritual blessing in the heavens” (Ephesians 1:3). He will always stand with us!

So I encourage you during this Jubilee Year to ask the Lord to fill you with the gift of hope. You can start by reading the articles in the front of this issue. Maybe plan to make a pilgrimage with your family sometime this year. Make an extra effort to be forgiving or to grow in holiness through acts of humility and penance. Most important, brothers and sisters, let’s all become signs of hope to everyone around us—even in the most difficult and challenging situations! Let’s take comfort from the Holy Father’s words: “The storms that buffet us will never prevail, for we are firmly anchored in the hope born of grace, which enables us to live in Christ and to overcome sin, fear, and death” (Spes non confundit, 25).

May the Lord’s blessing be on you this Jubilee Year!

Jeff Smith, President
[email protected]
