Lord. Save. Lost.
Jesus Is Still in Control
By: Fr. John Riccardo

Over the course of more than twenty-five years as a priest, I’ve been repeatedly struck by a particular Gospel story. Every time I read it, the Spirit speaks to me in a new way. He is doing so again even as I write this. This Gospel story will serve as an introduction to the primary word I think the Lord wants to deliver to us. I’d encourage you to read the story through once, but then return and read it again very slowly. As you do so, ask the Holy Spirit—who was there when it happened—to bring you there now. To see the scene. To hear what this scene must have sounded like. To picture the faces of the disciples and, above all, the face of Jesus.
Now when Jesus saw a crowd around him, he gave orders to go over to the other side. . . . And when he got into the boat, his disciples...
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