The Word Among Us

November 2024 Issue

Seeing the Real Padre Pio

Stories From Those Who Knew Him

By: Woodeene Koenig-Bricker

Seeing the Real Padre Pio: Stories From Those Who Knew Him by Woodeene Koenig-Bricker

St. Pio of Pietrelcina, or Padre Pio as he is more commonly known, is one of the most popular saints of the modern era, always appearing on lists of favorite saints. Thousands have credited him with miraculous cures and supernatural encounters. Because of this, most of his biographies focus on his ability to bilocate, the mystery surrounding his stigmata, and his supernatural insights into hearts and minds. But there’s so much more to him than these stories. If you’ve ever wished you could have met the real Padre Pio, then you’ll want to read Padre Pio: Stories from Those Who Knew Him by Roberto Allegri.

An Intimate Look into Pio’s Life. I was curious when this book came across my desk. Who were these people? Had they encountered him in...


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