The Word Among Us

Easter 2020 Issue

Easter, the Resurrection, and You

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Publisher's Letter

The Amazing Gift of Your Baptism

Imagine that on the day you were born, something incredible happened. A long-forgotten relative invested $1 million in a trust fund reserved in your name. When you turned twenty-one, this account had grown in value to more than $7 million! But life wasn’t so kind to you or your parents. They divorced nastily when you were a child, and they never told you about the trust fund. You spent your life struggling, just trying to get by with no idea how rich you were. If this were real, wouldn’t that be tragic? More »


The Power of God for Salvation

Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19) More »

Baptized into Christ

Every Sunday at Mass, when we recite the Profession of Faith, we proclaim with one voice that we “confess one Baptism for the forgiveness of sins.” Then, during the Easter season, we confess this Baptism in an especially vivid way: we are sprinkled with holy water. More »

Blessings of Baptism

Think of all the awesome truths surrounding the Sacrament of Baptism: we have died with Christ. We have been cleansed of original sin. We have become children of God. We are made members of the Church. Think too of all the images that are used to explain its power: washing, enlightening, being born from above, stripping off the old and putting on the new. More »

Special Feature

Becoming a Church That Fishes

Fr. James Mallon is vicar for evangelization in the Diocese of Halifax and the former pastor of Saint Benedict Parish. Saint Benedict’s experienced remarkable growth and spiritual renewal when their focus shifted to forming missionary disciples. More »

Giving Up Her Place

When I was a senior in high school, I had my heart set on attending a prestigious college a few hours from home. But God had other ideas. With the rejection letter that came in the mail came tears, disappointment, and a string of other decisions. More »