Every day, we are invited to lift up our hearts to the Lord in prayer. The links below will take you to resources that will help you do just that.
Let Us Pray for You
Do you have a prayer request? Perhaps for yourself or someone close to you? Let us know so that our prayer team can join you in bringing your needs before the Lord.
Submit a Praise Report!
Have you seen prayers answered? Proclaim the greatness of the Lord by sharing it with others.
Latest Praise Reports
Amber from Fairfield, CT said...
Hello. I praise God today because today, I had to go a long time being hungry due to circumstances of the day I was not able to eat. It made me realize how often I never have to worry about food. I come from a family with ample food all of the time. Being hungry is not a common problem...
Henry from UK said...
I had a lot of blood in my poop over several days so I got prayer and God healed me and stopped the blood appearing in my poop. Also I have a broken tooth so I got prayer for God to keep supernaturally filling it with dentin (to stop it hurting) and He has. And I got prayer that I...
Jeremiah from Portland said...
My cell phone malfunctioned 3 times.The volume went up.To max with my headphones on.I lost part of my hearing.So I prayed to God.That God would restore my hearing.Then God healed my hearing 100%.I thank and praise God.I thank and praise.The Lord Jesus Christ. It was a miracle of God's...
David from Moorhead said...
On my wife behalf we thank you for your prayers for a good physical, her physician was very impressed with her overall health. God Bless you!
Recommended Prayer Articles
Timeless, practical guidance on how to build your relationship with the Lord through prayer.
- Sitting with Jesus in Prayer
- Come Worship the Lord
- Let’s Get Real about Prayer
- When Prayer Is a Struggle
Latest Prayer Articles
Stay up-to-date with our most recent stories and teachings about prayer.