The Word Among Us

Lent 2020 Issue

From Seeker to Saint

St. Edith Stein’s road to the convent and the cross.

By: Anne Costa

From Seeker to Saint: St. Edith Stein’s road to the convent and the cross. by Anne Costa

If you could enter a time machine and travel through Edith Stein’s life, you would see many versions of her as time passed. In 1893, you would see a tearful two-year-old standing at her father’s funeral. Two years later, you would see a spunky four-year-old playing with her cousins in the family lumberyard. In subsequent years, you would see a sensitive child immersed in the Jewish faith and a questioning teenager who had set aside Judaism, determined to rely on herself.

Speeding forward to 1911, you would come upon Edith at university in animated conversation with fellow philosophy students, and four...


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