The Word Among Us

November 2021 Issue

My Life Is for My People

The Story of Blessed Stanley Rother

By: Hallie Riedel

My Life Is for My People: The Story of Blessed Stanley Rother by Hallie Riedel

“They killed our priest,” the elderly woman sobbed, on her knees and absorbed in grief. “He was my priest, our priest. . . . He spoke our language.” The people of the remote Guatemalan village of Santiago Atitlan had come out to their church as soon as they heard the news. Armed gunmen had entered the rectory in the middle of the night, where they had beaten their missionary priest, Fr. Stanley Rother, and shot him dead.

Rother had come to Guatemala in 1968. And in thirteen years, he went from being an awkward outsider to a respected elder and a father to...


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