The Word Among Us

June 2024 Issue

Taking a Leap of Trust

A New Town, a New Job, a New Adventure

By: Ryan Walker

Taking a Leap of Trust: A New Town, a New Job, a New Adventure by Ryan Walker

A suitcase of clothes, an air mattress, and a laptop. I loaded these three items into my car one chilly February morning as I was getting ready to relocate. With about one thousand dollars to my name, I set out to answer the call to this new chapter of my life that God had placed on my heart. I didn’t exactly have a plan when I started this adventure. I had a couch I could crash on for a week or two, but that was about it. So I had nowhere to live, no plan for how to eat, no family nearby—just those three items and faith that if this was what God wanted of me, then he would provide.

Now, I don’t necessarily recommend moving hundreds of miles away from your family to pursue a relationship with a friend from college...


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