The Word Among Us

January 2023 Issue

Believe the Good News!

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Publisher's Letter

A Living Witness to the Lord

Sometimes I wish I had been born in Israel around the same time as Jesus. Wouldn’t it be great to witness what the first disciples saw as they heard him preach, watched him heal people, and listened to him share what was on his heart? More »


Called Into Jesus’ Family

When St. Mark wrote his Gospel around AD 65, he did something that had never been done before. He told the story of Jesus from the beginning of his ministry all the way through to his death and resurrection. More »

Called Into a Living Faith

In the first article, we looked at how Jesus called his apostles and some other disciples into a close relationship with him—especially in contrast with how he related to the crowds he often attracted. More »

Called Into a Childlike Faith

Do you ever get the idea that Jesus is a demanding Messiah? On one level, you’d be right. His call to discipleship is challenging. More »

The Call of the Camino

“The Camino calls you; you don’t call the Camino.” That’s a phrase you hear often when talking to people who have walked the Camino de Santiago, or the Way of St. James. More »

Powerful Questions, Energizing Answers

Did you ever notice how Jesus liked to use penetrating questions to help people understand their calling? For example, when Andrew and Simon Peter began following him, he turned around and asked, quite simply, “What are you looking for?” (John 1:38). More »