The Word Among Us

September 2024 Issue

Publisher's Letter

God Speaks to Us Today!

I am excited as I write this letter! Why? Because the articles in this issue are at the heart of our mission here at The Word Among Us. More »


The Voice of the Lord

What comes to mind when you think about the voice of God? You might imagine someone with a deep baritone, like James Earl Jones. More »

God Is Still Speaking

Walk down any city street and you will see it. Someone steps off the curb directly into the path of an oncoming car. More »

Special Feature

“You Were Made to Be a Saint”

It was late, very late, even for a college student. I had been doing homework for what felt like an eternity, and I was still puzzling over an assignment. More »

A Long Wait Fulfilled

My husband and I were married in August 2005, and soon after, we began trying to have a child. More »

What’s Your Secret?

“Will you please pray for my grandson?” Evelyn asked me as we exited morning Mass. More »