The Word Among Us

November 2019 Issue

Claim Your Inheritance

God has showered you with countless blessings.

Claim Your Inheritance: God has showered you with countless blessings.

Scripture tells us that we have an inheritance awaiting us in heaven, one that is worth far more than anything we could possibly receive in this world. This inheritance is “imperishable, undefiled, and unfading,” and it is being “kept in heaven” for us (1 Peter 1:4). That means that your name is written in God’s “will and testament.” And under your name are the various riches that await you: freedom from every sin and ounce of shame, a “place” in heaven prepared for you by Jesus himself (John 14:2), the full dignity of a son or daughter of God, and, best of all, the ability to see Jesus face-to-face and worship him.

How can you be sure that God wants to give you such a wonderful inheritance? Because he has already given you some of it! St. Paul says...


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