The Word Among Us

September 2024 Issue

God Speaks Through a Son

What Does Jesus Want to Tell Us?

God Speaks Through a Son: What Does Jesus Want to Tell Us?

Where would you deliver an announcement that would change the world? Would you climb to the top of the tallest mountain? Would you find a television studio in a world capital? Would you record a video and post it on the internet? Whatever you did, you would make sure as many people as possible could hear you. You would probably never choose to speak in a sleepy town in the hill country of Judah. But that is exactly what God did. That’s where he spoke his most important, final Word: in Bethlehem. That’s where Jesus entered the world, and the drama of our salvation began to unfold.

On that first Christmas, the Son of God appeared in quiet smallness. His family took refuge in a stable, and he was born in the dark of...


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