The Word Among Us

September 2024 Issue

God Speaks to Us Today!

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

God Speaks to Us Today!: Dear Brothers and Sisters,

I am excited as I write this letter! Why? Because the articles in this issue are at the heart of our mission here at The Word Among Us. This month, we are focusing on how we can hear the voice of the Lord in our lives. Every day. In real life. In a variety of ways. Helping all of us grow in hearing God’s voice is exactly why the Lord started The Word Among Us!

How Is Your Daily Prayer? There are, of course, many ways that God speaks to us, but one of the key ways is through daily prayer. I was chatting yesterday with the founder of The Word Among Us, Joe Difato, and I thanked him for teaching me how to pray every day when I was in my early twenties. (I am in my midsixties now!) Joe encouraged me to do two things in every prayer time: (1) give God the glory that he is due, and (2) listen for the voice of the Holy Spirit. I am so grateful for that encouragement—it changed my life!

For me, praying every day is like eating. Sometimes I can go a whole day without food, but after that, I get “hangry.” I get agitated and lose my peace. It’s the same with prayer. That’s where the Lord nourishes me and gives me peace, even during times of turmoil. And it’s in prayer that I tend to hear the voice of the Lord most clearly.

Prayer and Scripture. The daily readings from Mass are a key part of my daily prayer time—and since you’re reading this magazine, they probably are for you as well! As we ponder the readings each day, we aren’t just accomplishing a task that we can check off our to-do list. We are opening ourselves up to hear the voice of the Lord. So I encourage you to put away distractions and expect to hear him in his word. As much as you can, try to quiet the “noise” in your life—your phone, the television, your job, all the things you have to do.

That’s not always easy, but it is so important! Because as you do, you can take the most important step of asking the Holy Spirit to speak to you.

Start Your Day with Prayer. During his time on earth, Jesus had a lot to accomplish. The crowds and even his own disciples required so much of his time, energy, and love. That’s why he often woke up before his disciples and found a quiet place where he could spend time with his heavenly Father (Mark 1:35). I want to encourage you to do the same. Try to spend time in prayer first thing in the morning if you can. (Okay, maybe get a cup of coffee first!) As you enter into God’s presence, offer him your whole life, both the good and the not so good. Lay it all at Jesus’ feet, and then give him praise, read his word, and listen to his still, small voice. I am confident that you will hear him assure you that he is closer to you than you know!

Jeff Smith,
[email protected]
