The Word Among Us

February 2017 Issue

Married, with Halos

The missionary hospitality of Prisca and Aquila.

By: Louise Perrotta

Married, with Halos: The missionary hospitality of Prisca and Aquila. by Louise Perrotta

The place is Rome. The year is AD 49. In a tiny loft above a rented workshop sits a Jewish couple, looking grave in the dim light. They are Christians, and like other converts throughout the city, they have been talking about Jesus in their synagogue. Since this is causing serious turmoil, Emperor Claudius has decided to expel these Jews from Rome. News of his edict has just turned this couple’s world upside down.

“What now, Aquila?” the woman asks her husband softly. “I don’t know,” he says. “Having to leave everyone we know and...


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