The Word Among Us

June 2021 Issue

My Spiritual Heart Transplant

The Sacred Heart of Jesus Led Me to a Surprising Discovery

By: Emily Jaminet

My Spiritual Heart Transplant: The Sacred Heart of Jesus Led Me to a Surprising Discovery by Emily Jaminet

“Grandpa, you have a birthday card from Mother Teresa!” I exclaimed. As a young girl, I knew that my grandfather made images of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary and shipped them all around the world. What I didn’t know is that these images had been requested by Mother Teresa for her order’s homes for the sick and dying. My grandfather never discussed his work; he just humbly put his talent to use in service of the Sacred Heart.

Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus was at the center of all that my family did. I would often hear my parents connect the heart of...


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