The Word Among Us

Latest Praise Reports

Build up your faith by reading about how God has worked in other people’s lives. If you have a praise report that you’d like to share, please let us know by submitting a praise report.

Would you like to us to pray for you, a family member or a friend? Please let us know by submitting a prayer request.

On my wife behalf we thank you for your prayers for a good physical, her physician was very impressed with her overall health. God Bless you!

Thank you Lord for having our heat work again! Thanks for blessing our finances.Thanks for our health and happiness. Thanks for everything you have done and everything you do. We love you! Amen

I have been praying for a job. GOD , JESUS , and THE HOLY SPIRIT came through !!!! PRAISE , PRAISE , PRAISE !!!!! Everybody listen , do not give uo ever. Even when things are down to nothing. But don't wait to exercise your faith when things are going good in your life. Follow GOD daily. Pray daily and without ceasing. Your miracle is here.

Hello everyone…I am filled with such joy to report that I am witnessing a steady, gradual softening of heart of my son, Johnny Kreisler , toward himself, his family, and our Lord. I have pretty much begged all of you for prayers for him for many years. Prayers are being answered! Praise be to Father, Son, and Holy Spirit! He is receiving the mercy and Grace of Jesus and accepting it instead of brutishly denouncing it. He has not yet returned to church or had his children baptized…he’s not at that point. But I faithfully and hopefully believe that our Lord is at work in the inner recesses of his soul…and calling Him back with such a love that my son is finally welcoming it. Please keep praying of course! But also rejoice with me and the angels and saints that God hears and answers our cries!
Thank you so so much and God bless you all.

I'm thanking the Lord for my loving parents who took such good care of me this past week while I was sick with the covid virus. I'm beyond blessed to have their support and loving attention. Thank you, God!

I have prayed (and got prayer) for many things including:-
to help my budget so that my low monthly income won't be decreased and will cover my monthly spend;
that I won't lose my home;
to stop animals pooing in front of my home;
for protection and wisdom;
that I won't be contacted by anyone about any job vacancies;
to prevent and/or cancel any contact via linkedin;
to prevent any pain or numbness in my arms or legs;
to keep supernaturally filling my broken tooth with dentin to stop it hurting;
to stop blood appearing in my poop;
to stop my haemorrhoids itching;
to remove my haemorrhoids;
to help me find a wife.
God always answers my prayers and intervenes for me.
Praise the Lord! God is wonderful! Thank You God!

I had a strange cough so I commanded it to be gone in Jesus's name and it stopped. Praise the Lord! God is wonderful! Thank You God!

I asked God for extra graces and he has been so generous with goodness that it makes me cry. Thank you God for your love and goodness.

God healed me of dysphagia without doctor's help. God is faithful or reliable. Praise God

I always write prayer requests but never praise reports, even though I have so many from my very own experience. I figured it’s time to share the miracles God performed in my life.
As a foreword, I am not an overly positive person or someone who sees ‘the good’ in everything, quite the opposite (sadly), this is important to keep in mind as you read my testimony – because I don’t praise unless it was truly miraculous what happened.
1. My sister lost 4 baby’s to miscarriages and stillbirths. Noone had hope she would ever have a child. The pain was crushing. I was young then and living in a foreign county for a year, I wrote a prayer to God and cried for her. I asked God to take my ability to have children if that meant she could have them. She became pregnant and had her baby. Not only that, she had 3 more. God gave her each of the babies she had lost back. They are all healthy, and (almost) adults now.
2. I have another sister who has been through only bad relationships. She was cheated on, lied to. She lived alone for almost 2 decades and just focused on her career. One year, she went skiing and had a horrible skiing accident that left her with 8 screws in her vertebrae and bedridden. We all felt sorry for her because it looked as though she would be alone forever. I remember praying to God, again in tears, and asking him not to allow her to be alone. He got better & finally met a guy at 39. At 40 she became pregnant with their first child, at 42 she had her second. Both healthy.
3. After my Divorce and custody battel that lasted 8 years in court, I was homeless and lost everything. My ex-husband tried to take our daughter away though the courts using his financial wealth and self-employment as reasons she was better off with him. He forged my signature on a pre-nup so after I left him, I had no car, no bank account, no credit, and slept on a mattress at my friend house. I had no ability to work full time because my ex-husband would refuse to agree to daycare, again taking me to court trying to take her away as ‘he had time to watch her’. I worked part time in an office, cleaned homes in the afternoon and evening and weekends (taking my daughter with me). I simply lived off tears and prayer. My family lived in a different country and could not support me, my ex-husband took me to court several times per year assuring that any money I ever had was always spent on the courts. I was abused and then again abused legally through the courts. I had to eat at the foodbank. It was a miserable existence that has given me PTSD. Life was bleak and there was no hope of anything getting better or changing, ever. I started going to church again and I also started a Prayer Book where I wrote my Prayers, I prayed for peace and for this nightmare to end. I prayed for a home that was mine and my daughters. I used my favorite scriptures in there and Thanked God for all he was doing. I prayed for my ex-husband and I to be friends for our daughters sake. I prayed to work and allow my daughter a good life at my house. I’d write ‘ Thank you for a job and my $52,000 per year salary, thank you for giving me the words to speak, the strength to shine, the favor I need’ – at the moment, I was making $ 15.00 per hour. I was cleaning toilets. I was a foreigner with a toddler that could not go to daycare, I had no completed college education. And yet, I eventually got a job making 52K per year. I went from an hourly worker to making a salary. I was allowed to bring my child to work. I crossed out the 52, 000 in my prayer book and wrote 60,000 – this came to pass, then 75, then 92. Today, I make a $ 120,000 salary. I have bought 2 homes (as a single mom), and I have full custody of my daughter. My ex-husband passed away from Alcoholism. We became friends one year before his passing and our daughters last memories of him are of us taking care of him, having him over for Christmas, and us walking her through his neighborhood for Halloween. It wasn’t always easy, some things happened fast and some took time but God is good. God delivered me from this hopeless place to a place where I can breathe again, even experience happiness.
I still have that original Prayer book and I read though it every time I need to remember what HE did. I am astonished at the Prayers that have been answered.
Keep Believing in our Lord, no matter how dire or hopeless it looks. And while you wait, try to be a blessing to others. Forgive yourself, forgive those who have wronged you. Hold on to that faith.

Thank you LORD for your goodness & mercy. SJ is Tumour free - what was there has gone and there is no new growth. Praises be to thee! We knocked, and thou opened, we sought and we found thy love and healing in abundance. Praises to Our God of the impossible because his family is now at peace & filled with gratitude and joy. In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

I have a praise report! I needed gas money for this upcoming work week and did not have no money. I had been needing it the week before. I tried to go to church today but couldn't make it. I asked for prayer again today and GOD provided the money by instructing me to contact a friend who sent me the money. Now I will have money to get to work this week until I get paid on the 19th! Thank you all for your prayers! Hallelujah!

I have a praise report! I needed gas money for this upcoming work week and did not have no money. I had been needing it the week before. I tried to go to church today but couldn't make it. I asked for prayer again today and GOD provided the money by instructing me to contact a friend who sent me the money. Now I will have money to get to work this week until I get paid on the 19th! Thank you all for your prayers! Hallelujah!

Corinthians 15:57 - But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

I have been praying a 9 day Novena for my beloved country Kenya. May God continue to watch over our nation answering the prayers of Kenyans in accordance to His well. It is well.

I wanted to tell you about this miraculous provision from our loving Father GOD. I have been praying for gas money and enough money to be able to do my hair and it was way overdue to be done. But besides no gas money, I didn’t have any money to buy a hair kit. After I attended church Sunday, I got into my car and was ready to leave when a short guy came up to my car window, he look like he was in distress and asked would I drop him off somewhere and before I could say I don’t have any gas, he said “I got gas money, I got gas money” and took out a $20.00 and handed it to me. He had just left the hospital (he had a id band on) and his Left arm was bandaged but he told me it wasn’t fractured and one of his knees had a laceration on it and was covered with a op-site. He said he was in a car accident and his wife and children were still in the hospital. I took him home and the holy spirit told me to give him my number, just in case he needs a ride or something. As I drove away, I was praising GOD that he gave me money for gas and to be able to do my hair, but I realized that GOD answers in his own way and time and he is always right on time. I started my new job today and was able to get to work and my hair was looking beautiful as well. It still blew my mind that the guy was so quickly to say “I got gas money”. It’s a miracle I will never forget and GOD has done so many miracles in my life. We served an awesome GOD. Thank you for your prayers!

I wanted to tell you about this miraculous provision from our loving Father GOD. I have been praying for gas money and enough money to be able to do my hair and it was way overdue to be done. But besides no gas money, I didn’t have any money to buy a hair kit. After I attended church Sunday, I got into my car and was ready to leave when a short guy came up to my car window, he look like he was in distress and asked would I drop him off somewhere and before I could say I don’t have any gas, he said “I got gas money, I got gas money” and took out a $20.00 and handed it to me. He had just left the hospital (he had a id band on) and his Left arm was bandaged but he told me it wasn’t fractured and one of his knees had a laceration on it and was covered with a op-site. He said he was in a car accident and his wife and children were still in the hospital. I took him home and the holy spirit told me to give him my number, just in case he needs a ride or something. As I drove away, I was praising GOD that he gave me money for gas and to be able to do my hair, but I realized that GOD answers in his own way and time and he is always right on time. I started my new job today and was able to get to work and my hair was looking beautiful as well. It still blew my mind that the guy was so quickly to say “I got gas money”. It’s a miracle I will never forget and GOD has done so many miracles in my life. We served an awesome GOD. Thank you for your prayers!

God has answered my many prayers, in the areas of:-
- home
- finances
- job search
- healing
- wisdom
Praise the Lord!
God is wonderful!
Thank You God!

I asked for prayers that my daughter’s mammogram was normal and it was. Thank you very much for your prayers.

As noted in my urgent message for my mother Katharina a few minutes ago, she experienced a sudden setback this afternoon in her thus far good recovery from a bout of sepsis. Unfortunately, she began to bleed internally (she has been receiving anticoagulants regularly for the last few years and has had recurring bleeding inciidents. As of a few minutes ago I was told that she is conscious and will be receiving transfusions to try and stabilize the situation and save her. Please pray that she will stabilize and recover. I would not be able to survive if she died at this time. May the Lord bless you!

The physician overseeing the care of my 93-year-old mother Katharina today has just telephoned and informed me that the plans for the lumbar puncture have been cancelled given the overall improvement in her condition over the last 24 hours. She will remain under observation, however, for at least the next 24 hours even though it appears that the two organisms that had placed her on the verge of sepsis and caused her to become delirious and to lose full control of her lower extremities seem to have responded to antibiotics. No evidence of bleeding within the brain or significant brain dysfunction was noted on CT scans. She will. however, need to be placed in a rehabilitation facility for a week or more before being able to return home.
Please continue the intercession for a full recovery physically and psychologically and perhaps overall improvement in health as well as my own recovery from the considerable stress and disruption this illness has caused compounded by concerns over misunderstandings that may have occurred about other people, including me, from statements made during the period of delirium.
May the Lord bless you abundantly!

John J.

Please Father God Enlarge my Coasts and Territories. Please Father God bless me with your Grace Goodness and Mercy. Please Father God bless me with your favor. Please Father God show me your will for my life and future. Please Father God bless me with your intercession and will. Father God I love You!!! Father God protect me and my heart mind body and soul. Father God you're Magnificent and Amazing. Father God grant me more of your Holy Spirit....Father God THANK YOU!!! IN Your... Holy Name AMEN AMEN AMEN!!!

P.S. Please pray for Willie Richie. Thanks Heavenly Father you're Magnificent and Amazing!!! AMEN AMEN AMEN and AMEN!!!

Thank you for everything going well with RC surgery and getting out of the hospital

Thank for everything going well with the last two surgeries

God has completely opened my eyes to what He has been showing me over the last several years. The government in Zion known by the world as the United States of America is the exact same government as the roman government, who put Jesus on the cross. On google type in, history of roman government and God will show you the rest. Anything or anyone who mocks God, is a false god. His laws statutes and ordinances are in the Bible. Anything or anyone who competes with God is a false god. Any translations or editions of the Bible IS breaking the first commandment and a sin. Anyone who thinks they can change God's word put themselves on His level and made themselves a ( false) god before Him. Copies are what the Bible tells us was always done and living the Bible is the righteous people God delights in. God wants everyone to seek His face daily, we know Israel is the only holy land and His country, at the tower of Babel it was a punishment when God created other languages. Hebrew is very easy to learn. The editions have caused confusion, divide and a lot of negative things. Definitely not God's doing. Romans 13 gets brought up a lot, the Hebrew Bible never said anything about submitting to government, that is part of Satan's deceit for after the rapture. The mark of the beast will be issued by the government and they won't use the name God gave it rather something like the new food stamp card and the only way for a lot t of people to eat at all.To call Jesus God when God only calls him His son in the Bible is calling God a liar, it is also calling Jesus a liar because he only refers to Him as his Father. That was also Satan's doing through king James( catholic) from Europe who wanted the Bible to cater to himself and how he spoke, him breaking the first commandment by the edition and he put everything about Jesus being above his Father to make a false god of Jesus, and cause anyone who does or did this to sin disrespecting both God and Jesus. God tells us in His word the only thing He put above Himself is His word. Anyone saying that God is Jesus and Jesus is part of God is not relying on God's thinking. God is, was and will always be #1. Jesus spoke about nothing but his Father.
God bless you all and Praise God 💖

The Lord blessed with a new job today and during the interview they offered me the job. I have been looking for another job after the other job I had treated me so bad, and the Lord closed the door on it.

I have been homeless since October. I am living at the local Young Women's Christian Association and attending church and Bible study there. Last Sunday during church the Pastor said God is going to do amazing things with you. He is going to bless you with a place but you will have to work for it this time. I was also assigned childrens church, praise God.I met a great woman named Essence and exchanged numbers also. After Bible study Wednesday my Pastor let me know that Essence and her husband had a duplex and wanted me to move in.

I ask that you pray for the victims of the solar eclipse and for the victims of the Canadian radioactive forest fire.
And I asked that you pray for me Jairus King Harvey. For I am under attack physically spiritually and mentally, internally and externally and the enemy works against me day and night. And if you would be so kind if you could say the prayer that you pray five times for the victims of the eclipse in the forest fire as well as for me. Thank you in advance. Stay safe. God bless. Goodbye. Amen.

For giving me a financial blessing so I can pay my bills and I am believing for a new job and justice and victory for me and my son and that he will return soon!

My daughter had to get another car because her 14 year old daughter took her keys with permission and recked her car. My daughter has very little money but the insurance company total lossed her car and paid her for it. She took that money which was a small amount beacuse she still owed money on the recked car and purchased a "as is" used car. She thought the car was good but within a couple of days she experienced problems with the car. That caused her to feel very down. We prayed and asked God to send her help wirh the God. God answered our prayer. Yesterday, she met a man who drives a car just like the one she has. He looked at her car and told her she was driving the car in the wrong gear. Now, she's happy because the car works fine. We believe the man she met was sent from God. We thank God so much for His faithfulness and sending that gentlemen to help my daughter. Praise the Lord

I prayed for a normal mammogram and it was normal. Thank you God!

I had blood appearing in my poop so I got prayer for healing and now there's no blood in my poop anymore! God is wonderful! Thank You God! Praise the Lord!

Give my wife special graces to work her narcistic husband and for me to be the husband that God has called me to be.

I had requested prayer for Anita, who was going thru tests due to lumps found in her breast, with a grateful heart just wanted to inform that the test results are back and show the lumps are benign, thanks be to God. I would like to thank everybody who prayed for her, May God bless you all.

Thank you Jesus and God our Father for Maddox's internship. Answered prayers.

I hurt my shoulder and my neck and back were hurting, so I got prayer for healing and God healed me and stopped the pain. Praise God! God is wonderful! Thank You God!

I prayed my procedure today would be successful for the wax removal in my ear. It was and please pray the ringing will stop in my ear. In Christ name I pray for this. Thank you.

Glory to God and thanks for prayers answered. My husband gifted me a pair of airpods. One side got lost and today I got a message from where I thought I might have dropped that it had been found. I just collected it and I am grateful that I didn't lose faith. Thank you God. Thank you St. Anthony

Thanks be to God for a wonderful trip to Wien and back. I was able to spend time with my friend's family and my son in school abroad. Thank you that my baggage that didn't arrive with me was recovered and delivered today. I prayed to St. Anthony. Thank you for God's love and providing at my point of need. I remember my late sister today as it would have been her 58th birthday. Continue resting with the Angels sis. It is well.

I prayed my eye exam would be fine and it was. I am very grateful to our Lord for this. Thank you!

Thank you Lord for the gift of life. My father who is in his 80's though ailing physically, he is generally well and building his spiritual life with God. I thank you for the gift of friendship - my friends have made time to visit Dad. Heavenly Father you did it again. My heart is full. It is well. Ephesians 3:20

Thank you God for helping my husband surgery go well. It was an 8 hour surgery Doctor so it went really good.

Thank you for prayers answered. Thank you for helping everything go well with my scope Thank you for everything

THANK YOU LORD for all those years you blessed me with to share the gospel with my children: to read the scriptures with them, sing hymns with them, share testimonies with them, and pray with them. Thank for enabling me to establish a spiritual foundation that will ensure that they will not depart from, and an unconditional love that will last throughout eternity. Amen

I swallowed too much bread at once yesterday and may have choked, but was able to put out the bread and breathe so am ok now. But I want to praise God for protecting me and healing me.
I also want to praise the Lord for many other things including:-
removing numbness in my right leg and pain in arms and legs;
keeping filling my broken tooth with dentin to stop it hurting;
stopping blood appearing in my poop;
stopping my haemorrhoids itching;
Praise the Lord! God is wonderful! Thank You God!

Thank you Jesus for that successful and restful trip that my family and I needed to recharge

PRAISE GOD! DJ had the most glowing Parent Conference, with distinctions and excellence in the classroom. Against all the odds, God destroyed the cords of misjudgment and blessed him with a platform to demonstrate what God himself had put in him from the beginning. He is on his way to University. Allelujah! Thank you Father in Heaven!

Dear Word among us prayer group. Thank you for your prayers. I am feeling much better and want to thank God for your prayers and each of you. May God bless you all.
Thank you.

I prayed for a way to help with my anxiety and the Lord directed me to the right products and people. In Christ name I am so grateful.❤️

Thanking Jesus in advance for the immediate removal of the property manager and maintenance man at my community. Praise God for revealing their plans and deeds while keeping the community safe and decent.

On 2/5/24, I was terminated from a new job due to keeping my values and personal boundaries in place. I had no savings, support, second job nor a full paycheck coming. I did my part and God did the rest. By 2/13/24, I had three offers and was able to pay my next month’s rent in advance. Trust in Gods timing and leading. Seek his voice. Be obedient. He will never forsake you or leave you. He is the source. He has the all power. Thank you Father God! All Praise and Glory belongs to you!

I asked for prayers for the ringing in my ears and it is much better. Please keep praying it leaves for good. Thank you

I had several long term ailments so I got healing prayer and now God has healed me of all these things. Praise the Lord! God is wonderful! Thank You God!

I prayed to find a way my ears will stop ringing. They are a little better. Please keep praying I can get it gone or find a way to help it. In Christ name I pray for this.

Thank you for praying for Devon

My name is Gregory Jerome,  I want to thank God  for His Grace , His mercy , His Favor , His Blessings over my life , I'm working on a job for over 5 years , I have been bullied by my coworkers  and my supervisor,  they have been treating me differently , and also with this Job  no benefits not enough hours to pay my Bills and survive  , I was  praying to God for better opportunities  , couple employers reach out to me for better job opportunities I thank God for that

God has answered my prayers in finding a job, the job that was provided exceeded my expectations in every way, praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ!

In thanksgiving for a good report at the doctor appointment for my husband today.

For several days I had blood in my poo so I got prayer for healing and then it stopped (no blood in poo). Praise the Lord! God is wonderful! Thank You God!

I asked for prayers so my mammogram was fine and hadn’t changed. It was and I sincerely thank our Lord for this gift. Thank you for your prayers.🙏🙏🙏❤️

While I’m sorry it’s taken my husband, George’s, impending death, I praise God that both he and our son, Matthew, who is incarcerated, have been able to write each other that they love the other. God has sent a blessing in the midst of sadness.

I feel I have been going through a “dry”spell lately in my prayer life. I am disabled physically, to the extent that I am unable to attend Mass-even if I could, my church building is undergoing renovation and the Masses take place in a school chapel some miles away. Imagine my joy when I read the meditation for September 26,2023, in which I am raised up in prayer! Thank you for your prayers and know that you are in my prayers also!! Blessings!!

Dear friends in Christ,

I am unable to express how blessed I feel to read your Daily Mediations daily. They are extremely well thought out and written. I can only offer my sincere thanks, humble praise and profound admiration for the graces and gifts that the Lord has blessed the writer(s) with. May God who has begun this great work in you bring it to fulfilment.

Thank you, dear friends, for your prayers also that I had asked for some time ago. My husband and I have settled in the UK after much anxiety regarding my visa and residence which were delayed during the pandemic.

We wish all of you at - Word Among Us - good health, peace, joy & innumerable blessings!!

Thank you for your prayers for my oldest son’s friend, Jason. His surgery for the brain tumor went as well as could be expected. The tumor was benign and the surgeon thinks he removed all of it. There are concerns for his hearing and swallowing so please pray these are temporary. Thank you

My nephew Joe has admitted that he has the disease of alcoholism and is going to a facility for 30 days. Thank you for all the prayers.please keep praying that God puts all his angels around him to comfort him in this difficult time of recovery. Thank you in Christ!

Our prayers for my son, Matthew’s, hearing has been heard. After numerous flushings, some if not all the ear wax is being removed and his hearing is back. Thanks to God and all who prayed for him.

My nephew Joe lived and is still in the hospital. He is an alcoholic and will be going to a treatment center. Please continue to pray that he can accept the fact he has a disease and he will stay sober.

Jesus I praise you for all you do and who you are. Thank you in advance for health, prosperity, grace, provision and mercy. I thank you for binding and destroying all obstacles and demonic spirits set against me and my loved ones. I praise and thank you for undeniable favor, financial and physical help. Bless you Mighty God for helping me relocate, afford where I am temporarily, and guiding me to a divinely chosen new home by the end of this month. Lord thank you for going before me making the paths of employment and residential options clear with no doubts. I am grateful none of the issues experienced at work and home no longer exist. I declare I live and work in total peace. Thank you for the ease and instant restoration. Thank you for the new vehicle and divine relationships. Thank you for the strength and capacity to manage it all. Precious Lord, thank you for my Brothers salvation, sobriety and protecting him indefinitely. Thank you for your blood and sacrifice always. I believe. You are God all by yourself. Nothing is impossible for you so it is all done. Selah.

We thank the Lord for His mercies endure forever! We have been back home for over a week now and settled back into the routine of things! I am so grateful that the Lord continues to shower us with His goodness and kindness. We put all our family plans before God and we are confident that He will bless us. Ephesians 3:20 Thank you Lord for EVERYTHING.

Hallelujah to the most high God, learning to just be still! More of exalting less whining! God has revealed that we Americans do WAY TOO MUCH asking for blessing then true worship! Idolatry Ive been fully delivered from me myself and I worship! And it is a form of worshipping! Yuck , 🤢 yuck! God is tearing down many generations of strongholds! Selah, I worship His Majesty !

Thank you Jesus for your mercy & favour. Good medical test results, resolution of house problems, back pain healed, blessings to me & my loved ones. All that we are, all that we have comes from Jesus. He has led us safely through fire and water. I hope this encourages others.

Thanks be to God for family time well spend and for community with relatives and close friends. Grateful for the resources availed to us. We pray for journey mercies and good start to the new school term, resuming work and fresh start at a new school!

It is well.

Heavenly Father. Your name be praised and glorified. You have poured out your blessings on us. We are grateful for a wonderful family vacation so far. We don't take it that we have the time and resources. Thank you for your love.

Sorry for the long post, but I just gotta praise. I have been struggling with my finances for awhile now I had no idea how I was going to pay my August rent, the money just wasn't there. I kept praying for a solution and even considered taking out a loan, but I know the answer to debt is NOT more debt. While I was praying I Just kept sensing the same thing - TITHE. I was like, what? There's no money to live, how do I tithe? But trusting God doesn't always make sense. So I did it, I gave my two widow's mites. Honestly, I
kept thinking what on earth have I done, now what? Well THIS is what - this morning I am holding a check that will pay for 3 months of my rent. God is so amazing@ He has mountains of grace and blessing for my mustard seed of faith. He is my Provider, the wonder working God! Praise His holy Name!

I prayed that I be given a concrete sign if I was to devote an hour to my church and
Christ for Eucharistic adoration. The next day I received the "Encountering Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration" pamphlet in the mail. Praise God!

I had blood in my poo, numbness/pain in my legs and arms and a buzzing sound in my ears - so I got prayer and now God has healed me and removed all those symptoms. Also I'm looking for work and I had various problems that I got prayer for and God has solved for me. There was one recruitment agency that has a word associated with the evil one in their emails, so (after prayer) I took a screenshot and now welfare are letting me avoid them. Praise the Lord! God is wonderful! Thank You God!

I aske to pray that whatever they found in my mammogram would be healed or removed so nothing would show. When I had the ultrasound there wasn’t anything there. I thank Mary and Jesus for healing me. I go back in six months. Please continue to pray for this healing. In Christ name I pray for this.

Praise the lord. I joined coza late 2021... during last year 12DG I asked God to open a way for me in my football career which he did, last year december after playing two competition was played not being picked in the first one but the second one I was picked to a club called (honey badgers) in makurdi and also given a scholarship bcs when we were called personally for questioning I told them I will be going back to school this year, first of all the agreement was for me to be coming back to the camp on every break which will be given to me in the school. So Early this year we all that were picked was called to resume to camp which we all did. We were screened again in the club and I passed it. As of earlier last year March I got an injury on my sheen which was not that serious but after being hit on that same sheen in my new club the injury became worse that I could not longer play I stopped training for a month and and some weeks and was asked to go and treat the injury which I came back home and treated it thinking that it all gone I resumed back to camp I trained for 2weeks without feeling pains but on the third week I started feeling the pain again I have to hide the pains and pretend that there was nothing wrong with me. Getting to the fourth week I was called to resume to school I then told the head coach there about the situation and he said since am going back to school I don't have to come back instead the will replace me with someone there I tried explaining to the coach about the agreement with the owner of the club but I guess he was just doing his job I went back to camp and cried my eyes out but I later accepted my fate and resume to school, while being in school for a month the man which was helping me to get the admission told me that I submitted my credentials late to him and since my jamb was in 2021 I was not going to be given an admission bcs is the new jamb set they are considering now. I was down, frustrated and angry with everything is as if am doomed. Meanwhile before all this things happened I was adviced to apply for a cdl program in Abuja university which I did but my mind was not in that program bcs I don't like part-time and I know that only workers can do part-time. I went back home and I was called that I was given an admission into the cdl program I told my parent about it and they said they can't fund the part-time bcs their expences is high and at the other hand I have no job and I don't know where to start looking for job that will allow me to go to school on Friday and Saturday..when I came to DPE at the ending of last month I saw that there will be 7DG this july, on the first day of the 7DG during the morning section mummy D said "whatever sickness you came with you will not leave here with it" I received it and I kept on declaring the word while walking back home I now felt something leaving me in my legs I was like "OMG what just left my leg" I have to wait for days to be sure that am healed that it was not the leg whining me. I resumed training on Monday I felt no pains in my sheen I ran through out the training I still felt no pain, I still could not believe my eyes I have to wait till later that evening I was now sure that it was a permanent healing. I was mad with happiness I said to myself that this is my permanent healing whether the devil like it or not. Even with all what happened to me I still did not think about it I just give God the praise and I will keep believing that I will not only get an offer to a club but an international offer to a club someday the God that did it for me will do it again and again. Thank you Daddy and mummy, thank you coza...

I'm a Christian and I thank God for saving me via Jesus' sacrifice for me on the cross. Also I recently had coronavirus symptoms including sore throat plus extreme pain in my rectum / bum so I couldn't sit down, so I got prayer and am now completely healed and all symptoms and pain have gone plus I have negative lateral flow test results. Also God is helping me with my finances. I owe God everything. Praise God! Thank You Lord! God is wonderful! Thank you God for saving me and healing me and for so many blessings.

Thank you Father. The issue of relationships in general has been tagging at my heart but more specifically some close ones. It is reassuring to read today's meditation speak directly to it as if the Lord is responding to my prayer request. He is a faithful God and just like Paul I feel encouraged that Gold is always beside me.

I write with so much happiness in my heart at the lords doing. I had sent n a prayer request some time back and requested that you believe with me for a job offer for an interview i had done.

God has done it. Today i was called and they extended a verbal offer that i accepted. They are now working on the paperwork. May His name be praised. I have so much peace and this being a christian organisation, i believe that i will also grow spiritually as i serve.

I know God hears and knows and when the time is right He will open the remaining doors for my marital settlement and the hastening of my daughters movement abroad that already has a job offer extended and she accepted.

Please thank God with me for His doing.

I had numbness in my legs and arms so I got prayer and now the numbness has gone. Praise the Lord! God is wonderful! Thank You God!

Please everyone pray for my son. He is struggling with mental health issues and addiction. That through God’s infinite love, he’ll find freedom from all his hardships and live a life of peace and serenity. Thank you for your prayers!!!

Thank you so much my Jesus for restoring the peace in our household in a way that is so much better than anticipated and not even gradual but snap of a finger conflict to peace and laughter. Please let this continue. And thank you too for letting me pass my examination.

Dear prayer group, wanted to thank you all so much for your prayers on my behalf. I was able to speak with my doctor concerning the hemangiomas on liver. They do not seem to be growing but may require intervention in the future. One seems to be large but my liver function is normal. I will be seeing a specialist later this summer for further recommendations. You all must be so busy with so many needing prayers. God sees all and knows our needs. May God bless all of you. Please continue to pray for me if i may be so bold to ask for your prayers for my inner peace and health. Thank you so much. Mary

I want to praise our Lord for a good phone call from my son who is incarcerated and dealing with brain injuries and addiction. He was so much like himself and more positive. Pray this can continue for him with recovery, healing, safety, and return to his faith. Thank you for your prayers

My husband, George, is dealing with terminal cancer and has a number of other health issues. The new chemo combo is very difficult for him with the side effects but the last scans showed decreased tumors/lesions. The infusion for increasing his low white cells to battle infection is also working as they are increased as are his platelets. Life is still painful much of the time, but there is stability with his condition currently. Thanks be to God who hears our prayers. Thank you for your prayers and please continue them for him

I must let as many people as possible know the power of God. He has helped me my whole life, big and small. I am sad that it's only now that I realize how much He has been there for me. But it's never too late, I believe and trust that God will continue to be in my life. Please do not lose your trust in the powerful and loving God!

My landlord asked a company to replace my boiler and the workman did a survey and I signed a document but I didn't get a copy, so I was worried and got prayer and now I have a copy of the document. Also I had a worry about a UK welfare payment so I got prayer and God intervened and solved it for me. Praise the Lord! God is wonderful! Thank You God!

I give thanks to God Almighty for saving me from a road accident on the 15 Apr 2023.

I was crossing a major road opposite were I stay and I fell at the middle of the road. And suddenly I felt weak and was expecting a knockoff from no were. But dat wasn’t so. I don’t know how God did it but is mercies and grace saved me hallelujah!!!

My husband is suffering with terminal cancer but is receiving a combo of two chemo treatments that in the past has made him very ill. At his last treatment, the chemo had to be lowered due to extremely low white blood cells. He was given another med to help increase the white blood cells. This infusion was done at home but had a number of life threatening side effects to monitor for five days. God thankfully watched over him and the side effects were not severe. We won’t know if the treatment helped until next week but are so grateful for prayers and God watching over him during this treatment.

I praise God for saving me;
for filling my broken tooth with dentin so it doesn't hurt;
that my mum sold her old house;
that my old job fired me (wasn't happy);
that my old job sent my termination of employment letter;
that I'll be paid in lieu of notice;
that God says I can marry my schooldays sweetheart Tina in paradise;
for everything.
Thank You God! Praise the Lord! God is wonderful!

Thanksgiving for my new job, family, and friends especially those who have recently died like Sharon that I was able to be a part of their life and they were in mine.

Thank you Saint Expedite for prayers answered, favors granted and blessings received through your intercession on my behalf. You have never failed me. Thank you for all of the wondrous favor you have shown me in my times of need. Amen.

I want to to give.A Praise Report of.What Almighty.God in Heaven.Did for me.He saved my life.Earlier 2 nights ago.I was sleeping on my bed.I felt a 50.Cal rifle bullet.Hit my center of my body.Immediatley my whole.Front torso went out.Then back.God sealed up my death wound.Sealed up the walls.It came from.I praise God Almighty.In Jesus Christ name Amen.

Please pray for healing for my son Shawn.
Thank you!

I have a praise report! GOD met my needs. He gave me a new job (my other employer refused to reassign me) and he stopped the eviction. I had my hearing today and what was overdue is going to be pay through an agency that I had contacted and who reached out to other agencies and all I am responsible for the upcoming March rent. So, the case was dismissed and I start my new job next week. Another miracle is that I have not shed a tear since I received the eviction lawsuit. I shed tears when I received the 3 day notice but not when I received the eviction lawsuit. JESUS told me he was going to give me peace and he was not going to allow me to weep like I did before because he has it all taken care of. He gave me his peace and he dried my tears. I thank GOD for you all and I thank him for making a way and loving and taking care of my needs. I have other concerns and he already knows about them as well, but I had to make sure that my brothers and sisters in Christ know what he has recently done for me! JESUS is Lord!!!!!!

Thank you God for ministering to me through Daily Mass Reading but more so during Sunday Mass. Feels like the messages are tailored for this season of life I am going through. Thank you for your love and mercy. It is well.

Good afternoon pastor B and the blessed people of NLP
I want to bless God for healing me of hemorrhoid. During the day 3 of wine press when pastor B prayed for those that are sick and said start doing what you couldn’t do before, do it 7 times so Immediately I went to the bathroom and try using the toilet but I was unable to do that but I still held onto my faith. Since the doctor told me I had hemorrhoid since last year September, 2022 have always been careful of what I eat and I’m always taking excess water so I can use the toilet conveniently but that night on the third day of wine I decided to eat what I couldn’t eat before and lo and behold the following day I was able to use the toilet with ease and no blood came out from my anus. God has heard my prayer and healed me of hemorrhoid
Grace, grace, Grace this is my story
All glory to God
Truly pastor B, the wine press was my wine press.

That is not the end of my testimony I also want to thank God for my mummy’s health she had an operation recently and I made sure I committed myself to the just concluded 21 days fasting and prayer. Also I always join the 1pm online prayer where pastor B always pray with us. There were three people that did a similar operation that day and one of them died, one is still in the hospital and cause she couldn’t speak. But my mum operation was successful and she has been discharged. All glory to God thank you pastor B. Truly the God of pastor B answers pray
Grace grace grace this is my story

I praise & thank Jesus for hearing and answering my prayer intentions. Prayer is the catalyst in seeing one’s problems addressed. Pray first! God will answer!

Thank you all for the prayers ,my daughter,Today she drove her car. One year ago she had a brain tumor removed. She is know doing great. In good health and in good spirits. She also had a birthday. 27 years old. No brain damage no more seizures. And she is also back in school. We are grateful for having a great God that was merciful. God bless you all.