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Walking Together

Have you noticed it? I have. People scurry to the side when you walk past them on the sidewalk. The lonely faces, the concerned voices, the way people avoid eye contact. Within a few short weeks, our world has changed. More »

Don’t Look Back!

Even when things look tough, God is still with us. More »

Yielding to God This Lent

Have you ever heard of the phrase, “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans”? That saying came to mind one morning as I thought about what I had planned for Lent this year. Among other things, I wanted to try to get to daily Mass more often. Now, because of the coronavirus pandemic, public Masses are cancelled in most places, including my own diocese. More »

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

Explore the “territory of prayer” and nourish your relationship with God and others. More »

Apostle of Mercy and Justice

Frédéric Ozanam had always strived to abandon himself to the will of God “with love and joy.” More »

From Darkness to Light: The Hope of Transformation

Lent is a season that calls us to set aside extra time to go to Jesus and say, “Lord, make me like you. I want to be transformed. I want you to renew my mind.” More »