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“Mary, Mother of Yes”

Mary’s life testifies to this hope, that God neither deceives nor abandons us, even when the situation we face seems impossibly difficult. More »

Mary Visits Elizabeth

As many of us do, Mary had a heart full of things to ponder, overwhelming burdens and problems that, over time, she came to understand as fountains of truth. More »

Friendship with Jesus

All kinds of “peace-busters” get in our way, but by holding tightly to Jesus in prayer, we can be touched by God’s saving love and experience peace restored. More »

Stories of Easter Encounters

Jesus is drawn to the lonely and hurting, and all who are hungry for his presence. He will show up, because he loves you too much to stay away! More »

Encountering the God Who Speaks

A fruitful, peaceful life is rooted in hearing God speak and sensing his presence in prayer. Allow his word to take root in your life. More »