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Pray for Peace

The simple, wholehearted response of three young children to the message our Lady delivered at Fatima offers a shining example of how to be filled with Christ’s love and concern for the world. More »

Celebrate Easter’s Fifty Days

After the last jelly bean is gone, the Easter season continues. Take time to celebrate all fifty days with some of these easy suggestions. More »

For Our Sake

Now, today and every day, is the day of salvation. Take hold of the life-giving power of the cross that you may share in Christ’s victory! More »

The Resurrection of Jesus

Ask the Holy Spirit to show you the love and power of God, that your heart might ring with the Easter shout, “He is risen!” More »

Why Are You Weeping?

Cling to Jesus as the risen Lord. Hold on to your love for him even if you feel you have lost your faith. More »